Almost everyone in the world has a famous person story that they bring out on "opportune" occasions (i.e. weak attempts to impress the opposite sex) in order to make themselves look cooler.
"Oh yeah, Top Gun, that's a great movie. Cruise and I hung out in the Caymans last summer and played volleyball- dude was way too short to spike it in real life."
As someone who has no A-list celeb stories to tell, I resort to the "I don't give a sh*t about celebrities" route. That being said, I do know a Kickass DJ and I figured I'd take this opportunity to let my millions of blog readers get a chance to listen and download his newest jam that he just released. So without further ado or shameless plugs to how cool I am, I give you Press Play Volume 2.
It's finally here!! Press Play Vol. 2 hosted by Far East Movement!!! This mix is a compilation of spring and early summer 2011 club bangers... Similar to "Press Play Vol. 1" the songs in this mix are most all Top 40/Commercial Dance tracks remixed or mashed up with a variety of EDM Genres. Enjoy!!
.:Stay Tuned:.
Release date: Jul 13, 2011
Look ma, no hands.... Waka Flocka and Wale would be so proud
P.S. Check out some of his other songs on Soundcloud. No Hands vs. Stereo Love and Take Over The Deep are badass.
Don't forget the Denver music celebrity Dan Craig, always worth giving him a shout out!