But anyway, I clicked today on Hot Sauce and the top story from the Berlin Dispatch was below with the opening sentence being:
"I don’t know about you, but I don’t think it’s a good sign when the condiment section at a pasta restaurant brandishes a bottle of Sriracha hot sauce "

All I can say is I'm glad the author put in the "I don't know about you" qualifier, because otherwise he'd have a G+/twitter/social media sh*t storm on his hands to rival the current $NFLX price increase outrage. Anyone choosing "hot sauce" as a Spark is certainly going to be a person that lives and breathes my mantra of "food is just a vehicle for hot sauce". As such, I could not be more enthused as to find a restaurant with a fine hot sauce selection. My only comment would be that if this Pasta Restaurant really wanted to get my repeat business, it should add sauces further sauces such as Mad Dog Inferno and Blair's Sudden Death to its repertoire!
Sadly, there is no -1 button yet on Google+; otherwise I'd be leading a campaign to drive this German drivel-filled article's score to the ground.
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